Τρίτη 19 Αυγούστου 2014

Polyxene Kasda, selected bionotes from period 1990-2014

Polyxene Kasda
selected bionotes and publications -1990-2014-

Her experimental Project Myth/Network [ -1990-2014- ] is an “hyper-string” of intertwined sub-projects, emerging from depth psychology and multi-plexing in open-ended works of cosmonautical perspective; traces of a liminal rite of passage to our new aeon:

Myth/Network (ήμαρ -1990-2014-) is a single work of lasting present “resting in its permutations”.

Chrysalii seeds, photo StefanosSamios 1990
- Chrysalii, Τhe topology of change [ -1990-1994- ]: Liminal performance-installation in the bottom of the Lake of Mornos in Greece, expanded in a global biodegradable, collective installation in 300 sites, in 27 countries launched in the Museum of Modern Art of Joensuu, PAND conference, Meeting of the Worlds, Finland 1990.
Coordinated Universal Time polycentric documentation in the State University of Cleveland U.S.A, the Cultural Center of the Municipality of Athens, the Center of optico-acoustic research EIKONA, Govostis editing House in Athens ....
E. Koscielak, AICA, “Myth/Network: The vision of an open system in Art”,The Network, Govostis, Athens 3/2/1991- “Dispersion and Interaction”, ARTI review, Athens 9-10/1991 - E. Koscielak “Myth/Network, La Mia Casa 5-6, Athens 1991- G.Marcou, AICA, “Art and Philosophy”, Greece’s Weekly 3/2/1991- “Myth/Network” TV documentary directed by Makis Faros 1995, Studio Eikona 1995-Dedication to Polyxene Kasda, Tyflomyga, Athens 2003 - .

Chrysalii installation 2, Chaos AghiaTriada, photo. S. Samios 1990

- Code Lexomorphes [-1991-2013- ]: Geometrical cryptograms based on the ancient Greek codification of language.
Structuralist exhibition Homage a Stazewski Concept/ Form, Municipal Center of Athens 1991- Congress on Greek Language 2009, Old Parliament of Athens, Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece (honorary medal).

Kasda-Sitra, Lexomorphes for architectural application, 2006

Her Lexomorphe ΧΡΥΣΑΛΛΙΣ monumental sculpture hosted the Olympic Flame in Heroon Square,Floisvos, Athens 2004.
A twin Lexomorphe ΧΡΥΣΑΛΛΙΣ monument hosted the Flame of Peace in North Leucosia, Cyprus 2005-2010
. LexomorpheΨYXH was installed in Gergeri, Crete 2009.
P. Kasda, “Code Lexomorphes, the iconic dimension of Greek language”, Poesia e Spiritualita review, Milan, Ιtaly 2007- .

Small Arctos, Epistrophe Gallery, Psirri, Athens 2001

- Fugue, the Fugitive Child [ -1996-1998-2005- ]: Variations of a Golden Series monumental structure, initially used as scenery for her recursive performance ΠAI and left behind in the Castro di Piovera, Biennale di Poesia di Alessandria, Italy 1996, the University of Lucian Blaga Sibiu Romania 1997 (silver medal), Megalopoles ancient theatre, Lykaia Arcadia 1997 (honorary medal), the Aegean Foundation,Paros island 1998 and Floisvos Park, Athens, Greece 2005..
P. Kasda, poetic essay ΠAI Toi et Moi, written in French, translated in Romanian by Mircae Ivanescu and in Flemish by Eugene Van Itterbeek, Seven Sleepers Coed. University Press Lucian Blaga 1997, Frankfurt International Book Fair 1997- P. Kasda, Il Bambino, Poesia e Spiritualita review, Milan 2009 - Π. Κασδά, ΠAI, Tyflomyga, Athens 2003 - P. Kasda, “L'Altro, l 'altrove e il mistero della centesimal porta”, Biennale di Poesia di Alessandria, Joker 1998 -

  • My Home/ Network [ -1995-2000-2009- ]: neighborhood installation on the dynamic topology of intimate territories
P. Kasda, “Casa Retea precum pestele in apa”, Transilvania 1-2, Sibiu, Romania 1995, translated from French by Mircae Ivanescu.

  • Ontological topology of the Greek landscape [ -1994-1996- ]: mythologically augmented maps with the international participation of poets, auspices of the Municipal Radio of Athens 9, 84F.M.
P. Kasda, Pyrisporos, Art-Mythology-Informatics essay, Aigokeros-Art, Athens1994 - “Μyth/ Network 5”, ARTI, Greece1995 - D. Bisutti,”Polyxene Kasda Myth/Network”, La Clessidra 1/1995 Joker, Italy - P. Kasda, “Griekenland: Mein poezie is een reis in de geegtelidjke textuur vaan het land”, Europees Poeziecentrum “De Zevenslapers” 3000 Letters X, Leuvain1994 – P. Kasda, “Myth/ Network 5: The Gate of Fire”, Euphorion Transilvania, VI, n. 55.56.57. Sibiu, Romania,1995 – P. Kasda, “Myth/ Network 6: Arkteia”, Tradition et Modernite, Les Sept Dormants n4 coed. Universite Lucian Blaga press 1996- P. Kasda, “Progetto Myth/ Network 1-5” La Clessidra n.1/ 1995 Joker, Italy – P. Kasda, “The Power of the Small” translated by M. Ivanescu, La Tribuna de Sibiu1995 P. Kasda, “Progetto Myth/Network 6 ”, La Clessidra n2. Millenium writers, Joker, Italy 1996 - P. Kasda, “Cer si pamant”, Transilvania 1-2-3, Cultura Nationala, Romania 1996 – P. Kasda, “Ciel et Terre, Poesia, Mito, Utopia”, Biennale di Poesia di Alessandria, Joker, Italy1996 - V. Avram “Spatiul Primordial”, Transilvania 1-2-3, Romania1996 - P. Kasda, “The Landscape of my Soul” XIV Biennale di Poesia di Alessandria, Poeti e Paesaggi, Joker, Italy 2008
.http://.www.artooth.gr/index The Underworld Star and the Eagle, ΕΔΙΖΗΣΑΜΗΝ ΕΜΕΩΥΤΟΝ I searched for myself {Heraclites}

- PXK Route [ -2004-2014- ]: Global fossil installation spread in 25 sites in 7 countries wrapped up in her innovative fossilising material PXK, realized through her participation in 'big' events like: the Olympics 2004 PXK Chrysalis monument in Athens, the Βiennale di Poesia di Alessandria, Italy 2004, the 2nd Biennale of Beijing 2005, the Syria festival of Greek art FMC 2006, the 4rth Biennale of Tashkent 2007, the Nuit Blanche, Anvers-aux-Abesses, Place de l' Europe Paris 2007, the Olympic Fine Arts of Beijing (gold medal 2008), DESIGN 2012 Municipal Pinacotheque of Athens, the Olympics 2012 the British embassy of Beirut, UNESCO-MEADOWS, Lebanon 2012..
P. Kasda “Vertical link to the principle of renaissance”, 3rd Biennale of Beijing conference abstract 2008  

- Doodling interludes [ -1982-2008-2013- ]: the “terrible silence”of  in-between-space, inserted in 13 sites in 7 countries like the Biennale of Beijing 2008, DESIGN House of Cyprus in Athens 2009, Croisees d'Arts Château Landon France 2009, Flags in Solidere Beirut UNESCO-OFAA-MEADOWS Lebanon 2012, K-Droz Transart, Maison Heinrich Heine in Paris and in gallery Schneeberger in the Munster Night of Museums,Germany 2014..

Concept curator and initiator of  a set of techno-socio-psycho-art experiments like: 
  - Miorita Melusina and the Sphinx-
Mioritic” landscape/ folktale exchange Kasda-Angelou telecommunications project, selected by Arscenic French Association for the twin Capitals of Europe 2007,
E.Venardou, “Which is the way to the cultural capitals?” Eleftherotypia Sunday newspaper, Athens 2007.
- Gargling Sky 2009, international art constellation throughout village Gergeri, Crete.
P. Kasda,“Gargling Sky”, ΕΕΤΕ Greek Chamber of Fine Arts journal nb.158, Athens 2009- http://.www.artooth.gr/index The Gergerian experience 2009
- ΠAI 2010 “The Aeon is a Child playing” (Heraclitus, fg. 52) multimedia mythical foundation event in Evros,Samothrace, Patmos, Thebes, Bulgaria, Italy....org. EPOFE
http://.www.artooth.gr/index ΠΑΙ 2010-2011 

Cards for the Samothrace Game illustrated by Antonis Papantoniou
- The Samothrace Game 2011- Looking for PAI with the enthralling ambiguous guidance of Heraclitus’ antinomic Fragments.Org. IDEA. 
A.Kaltsou, PAI 2010-2011, the Map of the Hidden Treasure, The Citizen of Thrace 15/12/2010

- «Πιθ΄ Ελλέβορον» 2014 - on the philosophy of Folly in Antikyra - Salento - org. Allotropia and PrimopianoLivinGallery, under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Culture.

Current research projects on-the-make:
 The Third element and the Riddle of the Sphinx, Kasda-Angelou
 Tu vas a Tuva? oui je vais a Ithaca, Kasda-Sacquegna

IAA, UNESCO artist, she graduated from the French institute Besancon in Alexandria Egypt and was attending for 7 years Soeur Herman's workshop in Fine Arts. She also acquired the state Arabic “Τhanaweya Αma”. She studied Chemistry-Physics in the American University of Cairo and graduated in Psychology- Sociology in Pierce (Deree) College, Athens. 
  Has attended seminars and/or symposiums  in Adlerian Psychology with Rudolf Dreykurs, in  Experimental Social Psychology with  Ezra Stotland, Αrtificial intelligence and computational technologies for education, Prof. Seymour Papert's AI department, ΜΙΤ Boston 1984.

Has published interdisciplinary and poetic essays. Her semiological maps were adopted by  the biennale of poetry of Alessandria ITaly and the European Poetry Network (Belgium)  as a new form of poetic expression, her early poetry was awarded three golden meals  by the French Academy of Poets  of Alexandria..... 

  She is Greek, from Aigeon and Syros island, born in“the point zero of the present” (as defined by radiocarbon calibration), in the beginnings of nuclear tests and the changes in the measurement of time with the first computers, in multicultural Alexandria Lost, a shifting Hellenistic home, grafted with the element of deconstruction, which she now retrieves in the planetary dimension of her work.
She lives in Athens. She works everywhere.

They wrote:
"Myth/Network is not a work in the usual form of an art work, but a state which is configured as much by the artist as by the participants in her growing interactive web. It is an open system that evolves on many ontological levels.. the old system of art centered on the artist-emitter and the passive audience is transformed into a living system-network of the international creative society”.
Elzbieta Koscielak, ΑICA art critic,Myth/Network: The vision of an open system in Art, The Network, Govostis, Athens 3/2/1991.

Myth/Network is an original invitation where many trends coexist. It is a personal path of the contemporary artist extending towards the depths of centuries and towards the unknown future of humanity in this crucial time of transition”.
Elzbieta Koscielak, AICA, Myth/Network, La Mia Casa, Athens 5-6/1991.

it has to do with a vision springing from the psychology of the unconscious. Her unusual point of departure is that myth becomes act of the soul in the sites where it was born to be reconstructed as present bringing back the creative and drastic hypostasis of Greek language. We could define her work as Space Semiotics...
The maps of her itineraries, dont follow a predetermined program but they reveal themselves to her gradually, based on a series of subliminal, symbolic coordinates and synchronistic events that elevate in front of our eyes, in her words: “the matrix of meaning that sustains the world”.
Through collective synergy which is sustained by pure subjectivity, her itinerary maps are transformed into an embodiment experience for the participants, tending to be reduced into abstraction, through rational elaboration and writing.
To seek to enter in this dimension seems at first sight difficult, but, once you accept to make the effort, doors will open to unsuspected dimensions”.
Donatella Bisutti, Polyxene Kasda Myth/Network”, La Clessidra 1/1995 Joker, Italy

" I sustain that Polyxene Kasda can be included as one of the most notorious representatives today, on an international level, of a culture capable to realize the conjunction of antique traditions with contemporary sciences. Her research re-actualizes the immense mythical patrimony that Greek civilization has left to us, which she proposes as a transtemporal, operating living reality.
Donatella Bisutti, poet, writer, chief editor of Poesia e Spiritualita review, Milan 2010, Italy

Polyxene Kasda belongs to a diachronic and existential forefront, as by analogy, the Pythagoren and Orphic mysteries would seem advanced today.
Victor Ivanovici, writer, essayist, literary critic 2005.

"At each and every point of her art, Kasda re-casts and re-interprets mythological and philosophical concepts, bringing them back to life in aesthetic form".
Dr. Yael Navaro-Yashin 2010, anthropologist, essayist, senior university Lecturer.

By revisiting myth, Polyxene reconstructs history itself. Crucial Timer artist with creative genius, her language is mythic, her thought original. From her study of the landscape, amplified by observation, scientific research, linguistic analogies and involvement with the local residents, a precious project was born; a “doc” important for future generations".
Dores Sacquegna, art-curator, art gallery director, Lecce, Italy 2010.

We traverse with the author a mythological landscape, a field of self exploration through “a forest of symbols” in Baudelaire words or in more actual terms “Project Myth/Network”, of which I lived certain stages and I am more and more struck by this ekstatic experience that allows us to realise the initiatic potential of Greek mythical paideia which is always contemporary. In her work we can speak of an authentic outpour of mythical knowledge. Her artistic act intervenes and transforms space into a holy site.
Eugene Van Itterbeek, writer, poet, literary critic, Avant-propos PAI, Cahiers Europeens de Poesien.159-collection Les Sept Dormants n51997

She captures myth in its primordial state, experiencing its meaning in the depths of our existence”.
Vasiile Avram, anthropologist, writer, Tribuna Culturala, Sibiu 16/5/1997.
Her courageous initiative to bind immanence to transcendence..”.
Vasiile Avram,«Spatiul primordial», Transilvania 1-2-3, Romania 1996.

In her projects original and unpredictable social “language games” a la Wittgenstein are set up and left to evolve creating a multitude of narratives that would never happen in real law-restricted societies.The originality of Polyxene’s dromena has been documented by a number of participants and art critics. Concepts like virtual reality, role playing multiple worlds, tangible space-time deformations, lived sense of differential rate of flow of time during critical events or dromena, cultural shock encounters, culturally/memory informed models and reevaluation of existing policies are suggested in the relevant documents.. ”.
J. Kontos, prof. of A.I, “A.I. Needling The Conscious Eye”, Southwind 2015.

elle ecrit que sa maison ouvre sa face vers la mer - tout pres des lieux d'ou partaient
les processions des torches pour eleusis - donc, le soir, quelquefois, elle renversait tout d'un coup,
le temps ......
et nous sommes ici, a lire ce qu'elle ecrit - et
elle est ailleurs -”et le silence est terrible”-....
Il existe certaines verites, si proches de notre pensee qu'il suffit que l'on ouvre ses yeux pour les voir-?
et sinon - ce serait seulement une plage et les pas se perdant dans le sable“.
Mircae Ivanescu, Mihae Eminescu awarded poet of Romania,hypothetical voyage to polyxenia in an immobile train”, XVIIth Sibiu Poetry Festival 18-22/10-1995.

Kasda's publications on Project Myth/Network (selection):
P. Kasda, Sky outside, sky inside, Emvolimon review, Aspra Spitia, Greece 1990.
P. Kasda interview by M. Papadimitriou, Chrysalii a mythical experience, Politistiki Ekfrassi, Athens1991.
P. Kasda, Project:Myth/Network1990-1994: Revival of cosmological Memory in the redefinition of our spacetime perception, Tetarti Apostoliki, Pinacotheque of the Municipality of Athens catalog,T.E.E. June 1994
P. Kasda, Pyrisporos. Art-Mythology-Informatics, interdisciplinary essay, Aigokeros-Art 1994.
Polyxene Kasda, Myth/Network, TV documentary directed by Makis Faros, Studio Eikona 1995
Polyxene Kasda, interview, Tyflomyga review, Athens 2003 -
P. Kasda, Myth/Network 4, ΛΟΓΟΣ, ENOPE Center for the sciences and the arts, Athens 2.11.1992
P. Kasda, Code Lexomorphes, the iconic dimension of Greek language, Poesia e Spiritualita review, Milan, Ιtaly 2007-
P. Kasda in Memoriam Vasiile Avram Tribuna, 11-5-2004 -
P. Kasda, Chrysalis/Grail, Reflections of an Object of Truth, Verita e Dubbio 2004, XVII Bienale di Poesia di Alessandria, Joker 2004 –
P. Kasda, the Chrysalis Grail in the last divided capital of the world, Odysseus revue, Italy 2007
J. Kontos- P. Kasda, Artificial Intelligence needling The Conscious Eye, SouthWind A.I. Series Notios Anemos, Athens 2014 (under publication).
P. Kasda, ΠAI Si Tu Si Eu, poetic essay written in French, translated in Romanian by Mircae Ivanescu and in Flemish by Eugene Van Itterbeek, Seven Sleepers Coed. University Press Lucian Blaga 1997, participated in the Frankfurt International Book Fair 1997
P. Kasda, Il Bambino, Poesia e Spiritualita review, Milan 2009
Π. Κασδά, ΠAI, Tyflomyga, Athens 2003
P. Kasda, L'Altro, l 'altrove e il mistero della centesima porta, IX Biennale di Poesia di Alessandria, Joker 1998 -
P. Kasda, Casa Retea precum pestele in apa, Transilvania 1-2, Sibiu, Romania 1995, translated from French by poet Mircae Ivanescu.

P. Kasda,Taurokathapsia, the Gate of Fire, interactive map of Crete,Touchstone Coed. Seven Sleepers 1994-
P. Kasda, Μyth/ Network 5, ARTI, Greece1995
P. Kasda, Griekenland: Mein poezie is een reis in de geegtelidjke textuur vaan het land”, Europees Poeziecentrum “De Zevenslapers” 3000 Letters X, Leuvain1994
P. Kasda, Myth/ Network 5: The Gate of Fire”, Euphorion Transilvania, VI, n. 55.56.57. Sibiu, Romania,1995
P. Kasda, Myth/ Network 6: Arkteia, on the threshold of time, Tradition et Modernite, Les Sept Dormants n4 coed. Universite Lucian Blaga press 1996-
P. Kasda, Progetto Myth/ Network 1-5, La Clessidra n.1/ 1995 Joker, Italy –
P. Kasda, The Power of the Small translated by M. Ivanescu, La Tribuna de Sibiu1995
P. Kasda, Progetto Myth/Network 6 :Sulla soglia del tempo, La Clessidra n2/95,VIII Bienale di Poesia di Alessandria, “Indicibili e Ineffabile”, Millenium writers, Joker, Italy 1996 -
P. Kasda, Cer si pamant, Transilvania 1-2-3, Cultura Nationala, Romania 1996
P. Kasda, Ciel et Terre Toi e moi, “Poesia, Mito, Utopia”, VIII Biennale di Poesia di Alessandria, Joker, Italy1996
P. Kasda, The Landscape of my Soul XIV Biennale di Poesia di Alessandria, Poeti e Paesaggi, Joker, Italy 2008 -
P. Kasda, Chrysalis/Grail, Reflections of an Object of Truth, Verita e Dubbio 2004, XVII Bienale di Poesia di Alessandria, Joker, 2004.
P. Kasda, 2nd Biennale of Beijing, the fatal leap from aesthetic vision to ethical action, Journal of the Greek Chamber of the Arts n. 114, Athens 2005
P. Kasda, Vertical link to the principle of renaissance, “Colors and Olympism” Third Biennale of Beijing conference abstract 2008-
P. Kasda, Gargling Sky, ΕΕΤΕ Greek Chamber of Fine Arts journal nb.158, Athens 2009-
P. Kasda, The Gergerian experience 2009 http://.www.artooth.gr/index.
P.Kasda, concept of The Samothrace Game, IDEA 2011.
P. Kasda, on Mythical Foundation, Union of the Cultural Associations of Evros, E.P.O.F.E Catalog 2010.
Main working sites:
http://polyxenekasda. blogspot.gr