Τρίτη 12 Ιουλίου 2011

PXK recycling old staff with recycled 'emballage' patches

I found in the recycling trash an old chair and an old tripod relic from a small table
I placed a rectangular glass on the tripod and covered it with a layer of PXK extension
then I added more layers pf PXK patches
then, I covered the chair with PXK extensions
and there was my PXK precious chair
PXK recycled corner

PXK extensions patches
PXK, is recycled aluminum foil, handcarved and processed to look like the fossilized surface of rocks, sunk in the sea bed of time, as detected from some point in the future. The repeated spiral pattern is hypnotic in its creation and in its immersive aura effect.
PXK is flexible enough to become a dress and resistant enough to withstand extreme weather conditions as an open air monument. It is very light, ideal for travelling big distances and once unrolled, it can cover huge surfaces.
PXK makes ordinary trash objects look much older, transforming them, into unique and precious, calcified remnants of a civilization, which has underwent a self-trespassing leap, to 'anywhere else'..
PXK material has numerous applications; it can be used in mending shoes, jackets etc. For e.g. my PXK gilet was part of the Tashkent Biennale 07, my PXK dress was in the Olympic Fine Arts, Beijing 08, or, it can be used to create open air monuments
like my Chrysalis Monument in Flisvos, Athens, 2004.
PXK recycled items can be re-recycled to suit other installations. PXK installations are, usually, slightly, changing colors and texture, as they are mended with new PXK extensions, adding to the concept, the lively factor of corrosion.
Apart from being the initials of my name, PXK happens to be the scientific name of a homo sapiens mutation- related gene. PXK stands for the skin shed behind, in a self-surpassment leap.

PXK Route 2004-2012 World installation
PXK ROUTE world installation is realized through my participation in big international events. It is an anti-system, tunnelling in the real world, through the system. Thus, each local PXK presentation is part of the wider planetary installation PXK ROUTE 2004-2012, extending on the 'geographical palette of different cities'.
Each PXK installation is a stimulus for research in the cultural uniqueness of each landscape. It is also a research tool in its social system of communication and projects realization and an opportunity to trigger local participation. 

PXK ROUTE global installation {2004-11- } is extending from the Olympic Chrysalis monument, Athens 04, to Italy {Βiennale di Poesia di Alessandria 04}, Cyprus { Chrysalis monument, N. Leucosia 05}, China {2nd Biennale of Beijing 05}, Syria { FMC 06}, Uzbekistan {4rth Biennale of Tashkent 07}, France {Nuit Blanche, Anvers-aux-Abesses, Paris 07}, China {Olympic Fine Arts 08}, Greece (Municipal Collection Gargling Sky Crete 09, DESIGN 11 Municipal Pinacotheque of Athens)... 

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